Friday, March 30, 2012

Sneak Peek: Grace

Here's a little sneak peak at my session with this little lady, Grace...

Isn't her hair, amazing?? Just wait until you see the rest of the photos. Michael went with me on this shoot and even he said her hair was amazing when the wind blew through it!

She was so much fun to shoot and I can't wait to share the rest of the pictures!

This weekend we plan on doing a lot of relaxing and spending time with friends and family. We also plan on visiting a food truck I've been stalking on twitter. I've never eaten from a food truck (except for one of those roach coaches ;P ), and I'm so excited to finally get to eat at one of these gourmet ones that have gotten so popular over the past few years. 

Hope you enjoy your weekend!

I'll be back next week with the rest of this shoot and some new photos to share. :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cherry Blossoms and Late Nights

Cherry blossoms in spring

A quick late night post, before I head to bed...

Last week I went to see the cherry blossoms in bloom. They were so beautiful. I was snapping away pictures trying to get at least one good shot of them. When I took the above picture I didn't think it was going to be good, at all. I thought there wouldn't be any depth or very good lighting; that it would just be a flat picture. Turns out, it's one of my favorites!

I love how delicate they look. They were such pretty reminders that spring is here.

Usually I'm a little sad when winter ends because I love just about everything that has to do with cold weather. Although, this year I decided to embrace the warmer weather and not fight it. I decided I'd wear bright and cheery spring colors, and I'd wear skirts, dresses and sandals as often as I could.

Lo and behold, it's been in the low 60s here in L.A. and we've had a good amount of rainy days. -____-


I guess God's teaching me to be flexible. ;)

I'll be back soon with another post on the photo shoot I did this weekend!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Potato Eaters

Meeting around the table

I want to do a quick post before the week is over. :D

Lately the weeks have just been flying by for us! Since I'm trying to steadily increase the amount of posts per week that I do, I wanted to squeeze this one in just in case I don't get the one I've been planning to put up, before Friday.

I absolutely love this picture. Before I explain what's going on here, or what was happening, I just wanted to post this photo on its own. 

When I took this picture, I had been staring at what was going on around this table, for a while. It immediately reminded me of something, but I wasn't sure what. Later, when I was reviewing the pictures on my camera, I realized it reminded me of a painting. I couldn't quite remember which painting it was or who exactly it was by, but I knew it reminded me of a painting I had seen before. I kept thinking about it for a few days afterward, and I still couldn't put my finger on it.

Then, a couple days ago it hit me! 

When I was about 7 years old, my aunt gave me a bunch of books about different artists. She gave me one on Rembrandt, Monet, Van Gogh, and a few others. You know, those big coffee table books that no one really looks at all that closely. Well, I LOOOVED these books. They were so big and heavy and fancy looking that I poured over them for days and days. 

I realized, THAT'S where I had seen the painting that this picture I took, reminded me of. It was this painting: 

The Potato Eaters, (1885) by Vincent Van Gogh. 

Both scenes showing people gathered around a table, with a single light. :)

I love how similar the two scenes are! The photograph should actually be named The Pizza Eaters, because that's what Michael, his dad, uncle, coworker and friend were all doing last weekend when we went camping by the beach. 

Now, THAT was an adventure in itself, which I will be sharing another day. 

Thanks for coming by!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Summer In March

My first time making pico de gallo! 

I love how it looks like the lemon is glowing!

We've been having some very funny weather here, lately. One day, it'll be in the 80s, the very next day, in the low 60s! The other day it was just too hot to turn on our oven and even boiling water made me cringe. We don't have central A/C in our apartment--just a small wall unit--and it gets so hot in the late afternoon as the sun sets. Because of the heat, I wanted to make a "cool" dinner. I decided to make taco salad for myself and Michael, with some fresh pico de gallo. It was sooo easy and the pico de gallo was delicious!!

Michael helping me finish up the creme brûlée. 

One of the Christmas presents I got from my in-laws this year, was a creme brûlée set (I have great in-laws!).  I fell in love with the stuff the first time I ever had it, at Thanksgiving dinner while in D.C. with family, a few years ago (yes, I remember the exact day I had my first taste :P). 

So, when I unwrapped this set, I was SO excited to finally be able to make my own! It's incredibly easy. The hardest part is using the torch to caramelize the sugar on top. Which is why Michael was doing it for me! Lol My thumb got tired.

I love watching pelicans at the beach. 

Michael and I made a trip to Marina Del Rey a couple days ago, just to have a look around and enjoy the sights. It's a lot of fun to walk around and just be amazed by the sheer size of some of the yachts and boats people own. I saw a bunch that were bigger than our apartment! 

I wasn't able to get very many pictures while we were there because the wind was just too much, eventually. It was probably only in the mid 70s, but the wind was fah-reeeezing! Eventually my ears were hurting a lot and we had to leave!

Iced tea on a hot day.

This was one of those unbearably hot afternoons. I'm pretty sure I'm standing by our air conditioner here, trying to cool down. I really liked the light coming through our blinds. 

This glass is one of my favorite cups to drink sweet iced tea out of. It's a vintage glass I picked up for 50 cents, I think. It just makes the sweet tea taste better! Not to mention, I used a blend of different black teas to make the tea, which is SUPER tasty!


The pictures I took at the beach definitely aren't my favorite. I decided to put them up anyway because I'm keeping this blog to keep our friends and family updated on our life, especially those we don't get to see very often! 

Also, I want to be able to look back on my photos and see my abilities progress and improve. Even though I almost didn't put up any of the photos I took at the marina, I thought I should at least put up for the sake of remembering that day, and sharing it with those that we care about, and who care about us!

I have to keep reminding myself that it's all right if not every single photo is my best. :D

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Few Scenes of a Day

That first photo was actually taken with my iPhone. I like it a lot, and I wanted to include it here since it was a picture I took as soon as I woke up. 

The pancakes I made that morning were really delicious, even though I'm a horrible pancake flipper and they don't come out so pretty, they tasted really good!

Brussel sprouts with garlic and fresh squeezed lemon, have become on of my favorite snacks. I eat them just about every day. ;)

That last picture was taken on the hottest day we've had in a while. It was about 90 degrees that day (in early March???)! Ughh! Since we don't have central A/C in our apartment, we just kept all the lights off and all the windows open that night. Michael turned that one desk lamp on by the computer, and I just loved the lighting. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Past Few Weeks

A few photos of a lazy Sunday morning, a day trip to the beach, our visit to the family cabin in southern Utah, and a beautiful sunset one rainy afternoon. 

The picture of the knotted fishing line was a picture I got when Michael saw the giant knot I had made on his pole. Haha! He was letting me use his pole for a moment, when I stepped on some soft snow on the edge of the lake. The line kind of got twisted when I reached out to catch my balance. He quickly forgave me. ;)

Thanks for stopping by! I'll have more up, soon!